Disclaimer & Privacy Statement


Extreme care is taken to provide the information on this site as complete, correct, current and accessible as possible. We strive to keep the site as simple and user-friendly as possible. The site is therefore constantly under development.

Suggestions, questions or comments about the content of the website can be sent to us by uing our contactform. We would also like to hear from you if you believe that the site contains errors, is incomplete or can be improved. The copyright in the images of this website is expressly reserved.


No rights can be derived from the information on this website. Style22 takes no responsibility for and is not liable for the consequences/consequences of the use of the information provided. Moreover, Style22 takes no responsibility for and is not liable for other versions of documents than those published on this site or for documents on this site that originate from third parties.


Copying part of the content for your own private, non-commercial use is permitted, provided the source is acknowledged. Copying information from this website for business or commercial purposes is not permitted without the prior written consent of Style22.

We are aware that you place your trust in us. We therefore handle your personal data with care. You can read exactly how we do that on this page. The information you leave or place on this website is carefully processed, while your privacy is protected as much as possible. The processing will take place in accordance with the applicable (privacy) laws and regulations.

What are cookies

A cookie is a simple text file that is sent along with the pages of this website. It is stored by your browser on the hard drive of your computer, tablet or smartphone. Cookies are never accessible to parties other than the party that placed the cookie. Cookies from this website are safe. Cookies cannot collect personal information but only identify computers. Cookies are safe for your PC, laptop, phone or tablet.

We use cookies for this website. You can read why we do that here. We hope you accept our cookies.

Visitors to the website remain anonymous. It also applies to cookies that they can never be directly linked to individuals.

We use functional cookies and cookies for web statistics. We distinguish these cookies into:

  1. Functional cookies: these are strictly necessary for the operation of the website and cannot be disabled. For example, cookies also remember your preferences and keep you logged in at your own request. No permission is required for these cookies.
  2. Analysis cookies: we use Google Analytics to collect web statistics. The cookies provide insight into how our visitors use the websites, which pages are best visited and what is searched for. Based on that, we can improve our sites. We must inform our visitors about these cookies. We have concluded a processor agreement with Google and we have turned off ‘data sharing’ with Google. We have anonymized the IP addresses for this purpose, so that personal data is not available to Google. The information is transferred to and stored by Google on their servers.

Cookies are always stored in your browser, unless you do not allow this. In your browser you can view the information about all cookies and see the expiry date. Most cookies expire automatically after a certain period of time. No data from your site visit will then be recorded. This also depends on your personal settings. You can only delete the cookies yourself, as they are stored on your own computer. Consult the manual of your browser for this. Please note: most websites will not work optimally if you disable cookies.


Processing personal data

We only use your personal data for the purpose for which you left it. We do not provide your personal data to third parties. The personal data you provide to us will only be processed for the following purposes:

Contact form: your details will be automatically sent to us by e-mail. Your name and e-mail will be saved. After processing your e-mail, the e-mail will be deleted.

All purposes aim to inform and support you in the performance of your professional activity. The content relates to activities and (inter)national developments and is only work-related.

Change personal data

You can request the data that we have recorded about you through the contactform at any time and have it adjusted. To prevent abuse, we may ask you to identify yourself adequately. When it comes to accessing personal data linked to a cookie, you must send a copy of the cookie in question.

Change of privacy policy

We reserve the right to change the privacy policy within the framework of the Personal Data Protection Act.